The antimicrobial discovery and development ecosystem faces many challenges, including a loss of experienced talent, difficulty attracting capital investment, complex routes to approval and the lack of a functioning commercial market. Yet, new scientific developments, utilising artificial intelligence and large scale scientific infrastructure, promise to revolutionise all aspects of drug discovery. To take advantage of these new opportunities, there is a need to create new funding streams and partnerships, update policies and reshape the antimicrobial R&D ecosystem.
On the 2nd October 2024, as part of the Dame Sally Davies and Mr Yasuhisa Shiozaki policy fellowship program, ARMoR hosted a roundtable discussion at the University of Oxford on “New Science - New Partnerships for Antimicrobial Drug Discovery”. This event aimed at further exploring issues within antimicrobial drug discovery and and putting forward potential solutions. The executive summary of the event is below:

Many thanks to all who participated and made this event a success.
Photos from the event below: