The "UK Antimicrobial subscription model" is the world's first, and currently only, pull incentive for antimicrobial development. The subscription model fully "delinks" sales volumes from revenue and the financial reward is sized to meet the UK's "fair share" contribution to a global incentive. After a successful 2 year pilot scheme, the model was recently made permanent with tenders opening in August this year. We applaud NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for their excellent work in turning this vision into a reality.
ARMoR recently had the honour of presenting to EU Member State representatives on the Subscription Model as part of a European Commission-led training session. To accompany the session, we have created a brief summary of the models structure and operations, which we hope will be valuable for other countries considering similar pull incentive initiatives.

Please note that while we have tried our best to ensure accuracy, information should be checked with relevant UK government sources. We have compiled a list of useful links below:
NHS Antimicrobial products subscription model: guidance on commercial arrangements
Model contract (from the pilot phase)
Lessons learned document (from the pilot phase)