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What is antimicrobial resistance?Antimicrobials are medicines that kill or prevent the spread of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Over time, as we use these drugs to combat infections, the microorganisms we are targeting evolve and develop resistance to our treatments, rendering them ineffective, a phenomenon known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Over 1.27 million deaths can be attributed to antimicrobial resistance every year, surpassing the toll of both HIV and malaria. Without serious intervention, some studies estimate antimicrobial resistance could overtake cancer as a leading cause of death by 2050 with 10+ million fatalities each year.
Where do you get your funding?We have not and will never receive any funding from pharmaceutical or biotech companies as we strive to maintain independence in our decision making. We don’t sell anything and don’t have any financial stake in the policies we advocate for. As of December 2023, ARMoR has received $165,000 in funding: Charity Entrepreneurship Seed Funding Network: $155, 000 High Net Worth Individuals: $10,000 We operate through a fiscal sponsorship with the Players Philanthropic Fund. We do not exist as an independent entity, however, our co-founders and directors have full autonomy and decision making rights over ARMoRs activities. We aim to be as open and transparent as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
How can I get involved?Tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a massive problem, and one that we cannot solve on our own. In this section, we have compiled a selection of resources for you to learn more about the problem of AMR as well as several opportunities for you to make an impact yourself. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Connect us with relevant actors. Do you know (or are you) someone who can help advise or work with us? We are looking for people with experience in the following areas: EU and G7 policy development and advocacy (especially in Germany, the Netherlands, or another one of our target countries) Pharmaceutical industry and drug development Antimicrobial resistance (technical research, NGO, etc.) Launching policy charities/organisations Academics working in biosecurity, AMR, policy or economics Other EA orgs working in the biosecurity and policy space Volunteer to take on a small-scale project. We have plenty of opportunities for volunteers to get involved and work on high-impact projects (even if it’s not necessarily working for us). Here are some examples: Review our research reports and policy briefs (especially if you have relevant background experience) Conduct a stakeholder analysis for potential target countries Create infographics explaining different aspects of the AMR landscape Help us translate key documents and navigate target countries Learn more about the AMR space. Here are a few resources to get you started: The Case for a Subscription Model to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance Who will pay for new antibiotics? A New Grand Bargain to Improve the Antimicrobial Market for Human Health (the entire report is long but the introduction is good on its own) Delinking Investment in Antibiotic Research and Development from Sales Revenues: The Challenges of Transforming a Promising Idea into Reality Subscribe to our newsletter for updates If you have any other ideas or questions about how you can get involved, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can do this by sending an email to
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